Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fearing Failure No More

Dear Becoming Moms,

You’ve been on my heart. And just about every time I think of you or pray for you, I have this weighty moment where I pause and I think: “Oh Lord. Please, don’t let me fail these women.”  

And after a week of reciting this “Lord, let me not fail” mantra, God spoke up and reminded me that I’m not called to fail or succeed here.  I am simply called to act in obedience. 

So why am I so scared of failing you?  God reminds me that we [as in us moms] are simply called to act. To nurture. To try. To try again. To pray to Him for help & direction. To share our parental joys with Him. And to share our parental woes with Him. To lean on Him. To learn from Him. To learn from our experiences. And…to be present in our daughter’s lives – even when we don’t get it perfect. It’s not about passing or failing – it’s just about taking action.

Ladies, as you lead your daughters and aspire to build stronger relationships with them. Remember: it’s not about being perfect. It’s not about passing or failing. It’s simply about being present enough in your daughters’ life to take action, make effort, and to be there for her. You might struggle with what to say, when to say it, or how to lead the two of you into a deeper relationship – that’s okay. I do too.

As moms we are all plagued with moments of self-doubt, bewilderment, and a complete loss about what to tell our daughters.  I find myself in those moments all the time  [que my 2nd mantra]

“Dear God, It’s me: Emily.  Am I doing this right???”

But that’s okay. If you find yourself in a “moment” it’s simply evidence that you’re trying and you’re taking action. Bravo.

Your daughter is going to find herself in plenty of moments where she’s afraid of failing, too. And as a mom you might realize that succeeding or failing isn’t even the point.  The point is that she just has to try. Be her example.

Ecclesiastes 11:6


  1. Amen Emily...I think many of us as Moms feel the same way as you described! Of all the things in life we don't want..is to Fail in parenting..Yet in our Human attempts we will all share those moments! Bless you for taking these steps in Obedience to share your Heart for all to See..Learn...& Grow!! To be Inspired to have Courage!! Emily you are a gifted...Sweet Mom & friend...a Beautiful child of God!! How can you fail??? No Way!! Keep it Real Friend!!

    1. Jodie -
      ((hugs)) to ya! The Fear of failure is something we ALL face, and I'm pretty convinced we can/do experience at every age and stage of life. I live everyday of my life in fear, for various reasons...but there was one moment in time that I decided to LIVE despite my fear. to TRY despite my fear. To BELIEVE despite my fear. and to BECOME a better, stronger, more confident, dream-catching woman in the process! :P
